Dev's Webpage

About Me


Hello :) I'm Dev Patel, currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications. My passion lies in Graphics Programming and Game Development.

In the realm of Graphics Programming, I am actively learning and experimenting with various graphics APIs such as OpenGL. My goal is to master these tools to create visually compelling and efficient graphics for games and simulations.

Some of the key areas I am focusing on include:

Feel free to check out my projects and contributions on my GitHub profile.

Current Learning


At the moment, I am focused on learning C++ to enhance my skills in Graphics Programming. C++ provides low-level control over hardware, making it ideal for creating high-performance applications, particularly in game development.

Alongside C++, I'm diving deeper into Data Structures and Algorithms to improve my problem-solving skills and to write more efficient code. Understanding these fundamentals is crucial for optimizing game logic and rendering processes.

I am also exploring Linear Algebra, which is essential for 3D graphics programming. Mastering concepts like vectors, matrices, and transformations will allow me to create more complex and realistic 3D environments.


Projects Coming Soon.


Check out my work and projects on my GitHub profile: